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Addition Sickness & Software
Robert Sutton and Huggy Rao, in their upcoming work entitled "The Friction Project," identify a phenomenon they call "addition sickness" in organizations.1
“It is remarkable how much long-term advantage people like us have gotten by trying to be consistently not stupid, instead of trying to be very intelligent.”
--Charlie Munger
1 min read
Robert Sutton and Huggy Rao, in their upcoming work entitled "The Friction Project," identify a phenomenon they call "addition sickness" in organizations.1
We're all busy. Chronically so. As Henry David Thoreau said,
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TLDR: Nope. Sorry, problems with work are bigger than even AI's capabilities.
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For one of the first times - in non-unionized, knowledge-based work that is - corporations are being forced to "deal" with the working conditions that their workers actually want rather than enforcing what the company (executives) believe is best. And it...
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I'm not an AI expert. And I don't pretend to fully comprehend what its impact will be. However, I get the same feeling from the currently available forms of Chatbots and AI that I had in 1991 when I was first exposed to the Internet.
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If you’re an in-house counsel, there is little doubt that you are an expert in legal matters. You have the education, experience, and battle scars to bear witness to that. You can mine that vast experience when having to come up with snap judgements and...
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If yours is like most Corporate Legal Departments, you are already swamped with work, and the volume just keeps rising. The hours are long, and getting longer, and help might not be on the way.
Most budgets are not keeping pace with the increasing...
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There are a host of reasons why our work hours continue to climb, even before the pandemic blurred the lines between work and non-work hours. One of the many culprits is the time we now spend on administrative work that we didn’t used to. Why is that?
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I always struggle to attend conferences. Partly because I’m introverted, and in part because I’m much more engaged by doing rather than talking about doing. It was a well executed conference, and I think very valuable for many. I felt particularly...