wisdom and weirdness of enterprise performance


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1 min read

Collaboration? Why?

It seems most technology intended for the enterprise is either being tagged with "social" or "collaboration" monikers these days. We understand the need to put new labels on things to grab attention, but both of these are being vastly overused and in...

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1 min read

Revolutions Don't Begin On Full Stomachs

Those who were fortunate enough to attend the MIXMashup, were treated to three general themes to start the day: The End of Hierarchy, The End of Bureaucracy, and The End of the Employee.

Terri Kelly from W.L. Gore tackled the End of Hierarchy (see my...

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Why I Love Henry Mintzberg

I don't know Henry Mintzberg. I wish I did.

But I've read a bunch of his work and it resonates with me at a deep level for a host of reasons, but primarily because he sees enterprises as a collection of humans, not cogs of production. And secondly, he...

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2 min read

Is Declining Enterprise Productivity Hackable?

I work pretty hard at trying to manage my signal-to-noise ratio when it comes to social media. So I follow very few people and almost never check FB. But thanks to following Vinod Khosla on Twitter, I followed his link to a NY Times Magazine article ...

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1 min read

Enterprise ADD Makes you Fat

Enterprise ADD? What is that?

It's a term I made up. But I'm sure it isn't original (see Sutton's Law).

Enterprise ADD is the same condition as ADD (or ADHD) that we've heard about for years relating to people having a hard time concentrating (among...

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2 min read

Manhole 3, 4, 5 - Enterprise 2.0

...continued from Manhole 2 & 3 - Enterprise 2.0

Manhole 3: Picking the wrong change approach.

Olrlikowski and Hofman in subsequent research go on to state, "There is a discrepancy between how people think about technological change and how they...

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2 min read

Open Manholes - Enterprise 2.0

Disclaimer: I apologize in advance. This post will undoubtedly tip you-off to the fact we've been working on web-based software for a while...since 1994, we may sound a little less idealistic and wide-eyed than you might expect.;)]

It is...

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Which Wolf Will You Feed?

I love Pema Chodron's little book called Taking the Leap. I've read it a couple times now, and don't see myself stopping at that. Here's my favourite excerpt, (which you may have encountered before):

"There was a story that was widely circulated a few...

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1 min read

Closing the Knowing-Doing Gap

If you've read any of the previous blog entries, you'll know I'm a big fan of anything that Jeffrey Pfeffer or Bob Sutton write. And when they co-author a book, you know it's going to be well-researched, intelligent and useful (with a couple of good...

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